This is another long awaited post. Everytime I want to update this blog, either time is running out or my mind goes blank right at the moment when i sign in. Things changes. Nothing remain still. This applies to everything in this world. Isn't it?
Woah, just ended my semester 1 exam. It felt like a dream...But one thing to be grateful of is that everything is over. Finally can take a break from all the notes and rest :)
A few days ago, those past memories flood back into my mind. Not intentionally but it happened to be so. The pain still lingers but it no longer hurt like before. Those happy moments were still around, but they are fading every now and then as I recalled back.
I always believe that if a person uses his/her sincerity to deal with work,relationship or anything, he/she will get the satisfaction and enjoy the true meaning of 'joy'. But like what I said earlier in this post, everything changes. Changes do not mean negatively, it applies to positive changes too. To every case or situation, there will always be 2 side of the coin to consider. Need not crack your brain over which side of the just happened to be so. Take it lightly and move on. This is the precious lesson I've learnt as I grow. I'm thankful. From naive to wisdom.
On a lighter note, hope all my friends are doing well now. Exam is over. Play to the MAXIMUM man. :)) Take good care, my friends.