Hellohs , :D
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• Everlastingscent.blogspot.com {♥}
Friday, February 29, 2008 -{'9:52:00 PM
Title : [ ]
Hi everyone! TOday is a very special day n i hereby wish everyone HAPPY 29 Feburary! WHEE.

Tze Ting & ME. ( took in december 2007)

0711, it's a class n MORE. Ding DONG!

Here are some of the fresh photos from the oven! It's a very fun 29 feb with Tze Ting and huiping and thanks to all the SAF people for making our day so HIGH!

Woah, 2 golded masked man! So cool.The hose is quite heavy actually...

Whee, WE are the new generation of FIREFIGHTERS! yea!

Me: It would be so much better if we can climb up there!

Last but not least, shall reward you guys with a super nice photo!( too bad i'm not able to hold the gun...)

Well, after this episode, joining the arm force isn't a very bad choice either. The thought of able to hold a real gun and wearing the uniforms thrills me...But i know there's much to just these, it is also the passion and responsibility to protect our people, our home. Maybe i will consider on tt...=)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 -{'9:14:00 PM
Title : [ ]
Hi Everyone. Time to update this blog! Heehee. This time round i wont be doing much of the talking but rather, i shall let the pictures to say all the unspoken words.=) yupps.

Oh No!

Poor photographic skills, haha...well, you can see quite a bit of how Lt4 looks like=)

I really missed my seniors, Mr Tan and all the fond memories=)

9-somes!( + jasmine the camera woman) reunion dinner for all of us. Thanks to heng & her mom being so generous. WE finally make it together after soooo long. Hope the next time we need not wait so long to meet up.
There's a lot of people who are not in these pictures are very important to mee too...You play an important role in my heart. Each and everyone of you!
More pictures coming up?!? Stayy tune=)

-there's thousands and million things i want to say, but only you can understand me in just a word.-

Don't leave me alone.

Be yourself!
human being (s) .

Update again.

Update again=)



Sŏőĸ Ħâή ♥
30th Jan , her day . :D

SH ♥

Sook's Taggie=)

• this
• tht
• this
• tht