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Wednesday, December 31, 2008 -{'10:25:00 PM
Title : [ ]
Hi everyone!

Tomorrow is the start of 2009. Maybe I should end off 2008 beautifully with a few updates=)

1) Esplanade trip with CO people. Went to watch with a a group of people ( including some beattyians and seniors.) I must say, this time round de performance was special and brilliant=) NYCO rocks too=)

ZHI WEN n me=)

Estelli, me, Veron!


HAha..self timer! lol. we look so small in thereee...

WOAH! First time taking photo with Ding lao shi? N Our ruan teacher! LOL. Memorable


Haha..kinda nice to be back to the same music room, sitting on the floor and chatting with juniors and seniors and last but not least, the v few of of US( our batch). LOL. Oh wells...hopefully there's another gathering soon.

YAY! That's the cup the juniors have made! Am touched!

Buddy's n mine's!

FAREWELL CAKE! haha...thoughtful enuff. Can make it as Senior n juniors gathering too..since so few of us turned up. faints. LOL

1st: WEI JIAN! lol

2nd:Shumin, Veron, Huifang, Ziting, Chen chen

3rd:Ah pek aka lester, Dominic, me

3) Christmas eve celebration with lisuan, veron, hx. Went suntec to walk n makan good food. HAhahaa...good choice to eat pasta instead. =)

Posting infront of the christmas tree.=) haha...I realised this is the only group photo. (the rest too big to be uploaded...faints)

4) YAY. Clique gathering with Sherlyn, Qying, Ruluan, Jasmine, Heng and hx! ( To Janet and ShiQing: WE MEET UP FULL FORCE NEXT TIME K?)

HAhaa..we went v8 to makan. Hx and I were like so FAMISHED since we skipped our lunch for this grand dinner. HAHA.... And our Dear Heng was late..( printing cheques) Haha...Had a super fun time catching up with everyone. Despite so long never see them, I still feel as comfortable talking and laughing with them. Yea..Really wish this can go on n on. I really hope to see everyone next year. Can we guys? TAKE good care n STAY HAPPY ALWAYS! ( faints, we didnt take any photos. wait till it's full force! heehee) Time flies, we need to put in more effort in catching up so we dont lose anyone behind. I hope this apply to all my friendship with EVERYONE and ANYONE. You guys will always be with ME!=) Am quite an emotional person, but good to cherish everyone yea? Let's keep things intact!

LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!!!! I hope 2009 WILL BE A GOOD YEAR AHEAD FOR MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!! NO MATTER WHAT, BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER THROUGH THICK AND THIN! SMILE ALWAYS. Let's change our surrounding by changing our mentality! I wish next year will be a year for me to grow. To learn, To let go, To Tolerate and To Love! CHEERS! START ANEW!!!!


Thursday, December 25, 2008 -{'12:34:00 AM
Title : [ ]
Hope you guys will enjoy it! CHERRIOS. Smile n take care!
p.s: Shall Post a longer entry soooon. stay tune!

Thursday, December 04, 2008 -{'10:11:00 AM
Title : [ ]
Hi everyone!

Well, these few days has been quite slack for me. Well, tuesday's class bbq at zhe Jun's house had been quite interesting and fun! Thought I never ate much food over there, but maybe getting to know more of my classmates helps=) heee. Throughout the whole bbq, most of the time I was standing near the bbq pit cooking food for the rest.. LOLX. Quite fun though...but you will smell very smoky and disgusting after it. I was like so embarrassed when I took train and bus home norh. LOLX. Well, that speaks everything, you gonna pay for the price for everything.
Waiting for pics though...(hopefully I can post them up...cause last time I had difficulty posting large pictures up..faints)

Hm...been quite down lately...(maybe too much things going on, but things aren't just going on the right track)

Gee...think thoes went for prom and post prom last night are still soundly asleep...heehee. I've never been once to prom. Oh wells.=) Hopefully I would get a chance to experience that myself!

On a lighter note...HAPPY 18th Birthdayss to Ling and Shiqing! May you guys stay happy and cheerful FOREVER LONG. Cheerios!

Okie, that's all for the time being.

-Everything will be just fine...feel for the calmness...-

Don't leave me alone.

Be yourself!
human being (s) .

Update again.

Update again=)



Sŏőĸ Ħâή ♥
30th Jan , her day . :D

SH ♥

Sook's Taggie=)

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