Title : [ HAppy 42nd NATIONAL DAY! ]
Hi everyone! HAPPY 42nd NATIONAL DAY TO every Singaporean!!!! WHOO~ Well, i stayed home to watch the national day parade through the broadcast tevision promgramme on channel 8. Not too bad i think. But somehow, it would be much better if i could be there to scream and jump with everyone. heehee. Aiya...dont know why, at the same time, i have many thigns which i must complete. oh well....Through the tellybroad cast system, i saw the different face of everyone, each of them so happily celebrating the sucess of Singapore. I could even feel the warm and excitment through the television screen. I felt the same too...I LOVE S'PORE! It is a safe and harmonious place to live in. It is where my love ones belong in. It is where i meet all my friends. It is where i feel proud to be. As much as i would like to visit other countries, this will always be my home.=) HOME SWEET HOME! Many thoughts are running through me as i watched the show. Somehow, the journey to sucess have been tough and bitter...guess it is the same to everyone at a certain point in life. We must struggle through and at the same time not losing faith in oneself. You can only feel for it strongly when you have already gone through the tough journey yourself. I guess same goes to the older generation of singaporean who see Singapore prosperous through the years. 3 cheers to SINGAPORE!My brother got me a national day bag from the ndp parade! Wheee...heehee.Get well soon huiping! JIA YOU GIRL. We will all be there for u*wink*